
Upcoming Events

Future events are updated on an ongoing basis.

Recent Events

Applied Research and Evaluation in Child, Youth and Family Services Symposium

Date: Friday, April 12th, 2024

Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm PST

Location: In-person at the UBC Vancouver Campus, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building, Room 1215; Virtual via Zoom

Please join us for an exciting program of research presentations presented by the MSW student researchers in SOWK 554C 002!

Transformative Child Welfare Panel

The Centre for the Study of Services to Children and Families is pleased to present a hybrid panel presentation featuring speakers from various child and family serving organizations. This event will discuss changes in practice and the impact of the Federal Act respecting First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children and youth in British Columbia.

Our panelists include:

  • Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services: Alison Grundle, Practice Manager, Intake Collaborative Practice, OOCO & Melanie Davidson, Practice Consultant
    Ministry of Children and Family Development: Leigh Green, Mentoring and Development Team Lead, Tiana Russo, Practicum Student from UBC & Maribel Marioni, Social Worker
    Westcoast Family Centres: Aaron Rivard, Indigenous Family Counsellor, Indigenous Education Consultant

This event is open to all faculty and Social Work students at UBC Vancouver and Okanagan.

Date: Friday, March 15, 2024

Time: 3pm-4pm

Location: In-person (UBCV); Virtual via Zoom (UBCV and UBCO)

CSSCF Reading and Writing Retreats

Need dedicated time to read and write? Want supportive accountability and encouragement? Come join the Centre for the Study of Services to Children and Families at our four 4-day hybrid reading and writing retreats this academic year!

Hybrid 4-day Reading and Writing Retreat (End of Term 2)

Dates: Monday, April 15th to Friday, April 19th, 2024

Times: 10am to 5pm daily PST

Location: In-person (UBCV); Virtual via Zoom (UBCV and UBCO)

Each reading and writing retreat will comprise of focused reading and writing blocks and dedicated times to take breaks and check-in. Learn more about the schedule here.

We ask that participants try their best to commit to as many days as possible to provide support and accountability for each other. If you are interested or would like to sign-up, please email Barbara Lee (

Hybrid 4-day Reading and Writing Retreat (Winter Midterm Break)

Dates: Tuesday, February 20th to Friday, February 23rd, 2024

Times: 10am to 5pm daily

Location: In-person (UBCV); Virtual via Zoom (UBCV and UBCO)

Hybrid 4-day Reading and Writing Retreat (End of Term 1)

Dates: Monday, December 18th to Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Times: 10am to 5pm daily

Location: In-person (UBCV); Virtual via Zoom (UBCV and UBCO)

Invitation to the School of Social Work’s Indigenous Speaker Series Event

This event is hosted by the UBC School of Social Work, and will discuss the process and success of jurisdictional negotiations with federal and provincial governments for child and family services for Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Nations on northern Vancouver Island, BC. Additional information about the event and the link to RSVP is available. Please RSVP by November 17th, 2023.

Date: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Time: 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Location: UBC First Nations Longhouse, Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall

International Symposium on Voices of Community Collaboration on Youth Mental Health

This event is hosted by the Children and Youth Mental Health Project, University of Calgary.

Date: Friday, November 17th, 2023

Times: 9:30am to 4pm Mountain Standard Time/8:30am to 3pm Pacific Standard Time

Location: Edmonton, Alberta; Virtual via Zoom

Learn more about this opportunity on the event poster.

Hybrid 4-day Reading and Writing Retreat (Fall Midterm Break)

Dates: Tuesday, November 14th to Friday, November 17th, 2023

Times: 10am to 5pm daily

Location: In-person (UBCV); Virtual via Zoom (UBCV and UBCO)

March 13, 2023 from 10:00 am- 11:30am: Lunch and Learn Transformative Child Welfare Practice: Integrating Trauma-Informed Perspectives with Dr. Lee, Michelle O’Kane, and MCFD Panelists

Transformative CW_Panel Presentation 2023

Students on the Okanagan campus are invited to join the hybrid event on campus in Art 203. Following the event, there will be time for discussion with Dr. Dow-Fleisner, Director for the CSSCF. For this unable to attend on campus, please email Michelle O’Kane (email in flyer below) for the Zoom link. 

(Last Update: May 7, 2024)